three green candles for healing, anointed with bergamot oil for uplifting and joy
black salt for banishing and soaking up negativity
cedar smudge to purify the space
moonlit water for the new moon--a time of banishing the weakness that imprisons
stones for grounding and stillness, for reaching the quiet energy of Earth
sweetpea flowers for a reminder of beauty in a world of turmoil
goddess figurine for a reminder of Mother's love and comfort when a mother slips away into Her arms
arctic water carrying the love and intention of a northern friend
rainbow: blessings
Gaia: nurturing
love: compassion
Blessed be the suffering and overwhelmed.
Spiral Grove
Friday, April 20, 2012
Prayers please?
Or however else you can help from a distance. One of my dearest friends is walking through a dark valley of grief and despair right now. She has been denying herself the chance to grieve, and it is overwhelming her beautiful strength. Please lend some of yours.
This woman has been an unfailing support to me in my own dark valleys, and spends her life looking for ways to heal others. Her soul is one of the great ones.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
A declaration of personhood
I am sharing this because it is SO important. Wouldn't it be nice if every country in the world adopted this?
Declaration of Personhood
And on that note, you all should be reading the Feminist Mormon Housewives blog on a regular basis anyway. It is virtuous and lovely and of good report.
Declaration of Personhood
And on that note, you all should be reading the Feminist Mormon Housewives blog on a regular basis anyway. It is virtuous and lovely and of good report.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Please forgive me

To my LGBTQ brothers and sisters, friends and neighbors,
It's time for a confession. It's not a great big secret (google my real name and you'll find it). I donated money and time to the Prop 8 campaign in California. I pushed past the sick feeling in my gut that what we were doing was harmful and unnecessary. I thought that obedience to my ecclesiastical leaders, in all their ambiguous-almost-committing-but-not-quite instructions to participate in the movement to pass the proposition that caused so much grief was more important than listening to my own conscience. I mean, after all, I must have been fighting feelings of darkness from the adversary trying to convince me that it was okay to be gay. I must have just been struggling against my natural desire to sin or rebel.
I know better now. After years on an emotional roller-coaster, I've finally reached my final destination. I'm stepping off with wobbly legs and a repentant heart. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I contributed to the bigotry and ignorance in the world. I'm sorry I stood in a place of judgment, standing on very shaky doctrinal ground. I'm sorry I caved to the pressure of friends and family around me as they parroted the buzzwords and paranoia that swirled around every Sunday as I attended church. I'm sorry that I ever thought that somehow two people loving each other and committing to each other would somehow damage my family life or civil rights. It's so blindingly obvious to me now how wrong the whole thing was. It was hurtful and damaging. And I am so, so sorry.
As far as I'm concerned, the gay couples of this country have a vital part in upholding family values in our society. You've had to fight hard for any rights you have, and I have a feeling that you will cherish your marriages and your relationships so much more than so many others. I am not here to tell you who to love, or how to love. I'm not here to "love the sinner, hate the sin", and all of the condescending judgment that that implies. And I finally know that.
I'd like to conclude my heartfelt apology with a beautiful prayer written by my friend Jena. You can read the full version here, but this is my favorite part:
Forgive me of my blind acceptance of the status quo. Forgive me my pious bigotry and loving ignorance, the walls behind which I hid and believed they preserved the purity of my soul. I didn't understand that those walls were built of dross, built to be burned in the refiner's fire, burned to reveal to me the true nature of your love. Forgive me for not listening to my inner voice that dared to disagree.
Monday, February 13, 2012
We are all One
While Paganism is a giant umbrella, covering many different belief systems (including Wicca, Shamanism, and others), there are a few things that Pagans have in common, however diverse or eclectic their paths. One of my favorites is the notion that we are all connected. We are not separate beings. We are not separate from Earth or the stars or the sun. We are made of the same energy and matter as the animals, plants, trees, and earth. The neighbor you hate? She's you. The stray cat who runs from your back step because you've thrown things at it? He's you. Even the obnoxious college student blowing second-hand smoke in your face (*insert aggrieved, imperfect Pagan sigh here); he is you.
You are never trying to save the rainforest; you are trying to save yourself. You're disgusted with the gay pride parade, or the Ku Klux Klan, or the Democrats, or the Republicans, or the Libertarians, or the Mormons, or the Scientologists; you are them. They are you. And you are all earth, air, fire, and water. You are all made of stardust. We are all made of stardust. I am made of stardust. When you hurt someone deliberately, you are hurting yourself. When your disgust or anger for someone is left unchecked by compassion or an attempt to understand the life of another human, you are making a negative impact on yourself. When you abuse animals, you are abusing yourself.
Let's look at this in a happier way: when you love yourself, you are loving everything and everyone. When you love your family, you are loving the world. When you avoid a fight be responding to antagonism with love instead of frustration or anger, you have just washed your surroundings with peace and love. You have made an imprint of caring on that person, on yourself, on the nature around you. When you help the homeless man, or listen to a stranger weep, or forgive the sociopath who has hurt you, you are creating a positive impact that has the ripple effect because you are all of them. Doing your small part to help heal the environment, or the economy, or raise a family of people whose characters are lovingly shaped to love doing good, are all acts of love for yourself. And everyone. Because you are everyone.
(this is also now posted on my new blog: Pagan in the Desert)
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Of Iron Rods and Liahonas
guest post from Buzzy
In the Book of Mormon, Nephi tells of two ways of following God's direction.
In the early chapters of his book (1 Nephi 8 and 11), he writes of a dream about an iron rod. The rod was alongside a "straight and narrow" path, and led to a tree which offered the fruit of eternal life. The rod is interpreted as being the word of God. All about the rod and path were "mists of darkness" and those who did not hold fast to the rod "lost their way" and "wandered off and were lost."
Later, (in chapter 16), Nephi and his family are given a Liahona, or director. It is something like a compass, being a ball with spindles, but rather than pointing just north instead it points the way they should go. It does not make a path for them, but points in a general direction and then they must choose their specific route. The ball works according to their faithfulness and responsiveness to it, and will give new directions in response to prayer.
In the early books of the Bible, the Mosaic law is laid out. It is elaborate, with minute details about which punishments should be doled out for each of the numerous infractions listed.
When Christ came, He fulfilled the law of Moses and replaced it with a new law. A much simpler and yet equally encompassing law: love one another. It is a law which requires personal interpretation (because the individual must determine which behaviors constitute "love" and which do not, rather than simply relying on a checklist as the Mosaic law had given).
Little children need detailed and specific rules. They need constant oversight and frequent direction. As they get older, the parent can step back and be less directive. Fewer rules and more self-guidence helps the young person develop their own internal ethical system. They learn to make independent decisions (and experience the consequences), rather than merely to follow orders. Direction is good for someone just starting, but ultimately "it is not meet that [anyone] should command in all things; for he that is compelled in all things, the same is a slothful and not a wise servant" (Doctrine & Covenants 58:26).
As a child, I remember learning that certain movie ratings were unacceptable. When I was in college, new guidelines were issued by the church with a different guideline: rather than draw a line for us, they asked us to use our own wisdom and perceptions about things (For the Strength of Youth). I believe this is the higher law.
Checklists and many specific rules can be helpful in the beginning, but ultimately they will restrain a person from developing to their full potential. As children, we are taught to fold our hands, bow our heads, and close our eyes when we pray. As we age, hopefully we learn to commune with God, regardless of our physical position, and we realize that prayers do not have to be verbalized to be real.
I have sometimes heard people talk about "Iron Rod Mormons" and "Liahona Mormons," meaning those who are strict rule-adherents as opposed to those who take things as general guidelines; the letter of the law folks and the spirit of the law folks; 'checklisters' or 'intuition-followers.' One group may refer to the other as 'stodgy,' while the others may refer back to them as 'lax.' I think that neither is true.
They are simply stages in the development of discipleship.
I was very much an Iron Rodder in my younger years, and I'm not any more. I've become a Liahona Mormon.The one naturally precedes the other. We all develop and change in our own ways and on our own timetables, so the differences in our faith styles should not be a reason for anyone to look down their noses at anyone else. But I would be lying if I didn't say that, based on scriptural examples as well as the study of human development, I believe that the liahona method is a later stage of development.
I realize that while holding to the security of that rod of iron, it can be intimidating to let go of it in order to trust tiny spindles on a little set out knowing only a general direction, but without a marked path. It is overwhelming, truly. However, I have come to the conclusion that letting go of the rod to follow the ball is NOT a form of getting lost, but rather a natural and totally appropriate form of development.
I don't think there is necessarily something wrong with staying with the Rod if it is working for you...but it must be acknowledged that it is a childlike form of discipleship. Yes, Christ called us to be like a little child...but then He also called us to be like Him. And Christ was no checklister. He broke the letter of the law left and right while teaching the spirit of the law. Jesus lived a Liahona life, and I'm trying to do the same.
In the Book of Mormon, Nephi tells of two ways of following God's direction.
In the early chapters of his book (1 Nephi 8 and 11), he writes of a dream about an iron rod. The rod was alongside a "straight and narrow" path, and led to a tree which offered the fruit of eternal life. The rod is interpreted as being the word of God. All about the rod and path were "mists of darkness" and those who did not hold fast to the rod "lost their way" and "wandered off and were lost."
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art by Jerry Thompson [source link] |
Later, (in chapter 16), Nephi and his family are given a Liahona, or director. It is something like a compass, being a ball with spindles, but rather than pointing just north instead it points the way they should go. It does not make a path for them, but points in a general direction and then they must choose their specific route. The ball works according to their faithfulness and responsiveness to it, and will give new directions in response to prayer.
In the early books of the Bible, the Mosaic law is laid out. It is elaborate, with minute details about which punishments should be doled out for each of the numerous infractions listed.
When Christ came, He fulfilled the law of Moses and replaced it with a new law. A much simpler and yet equally encompassing law: love one another. It is a law which requires personal interpretation (because the individual must determine which behaviors constitute "love" and which do not, rather than simply relying on a checklist as the Mosaic law had given).
Little children need detailed and specific rules. They need constant oversight and frequent direction. As they get older, the parent can step back and be less directive. Fewer rules and more self-guidence helps the young person develop their own internal ethical system. They learn to make independent decisions (and experience the consequences), rather than merely to follow orders. Direction is good for someone just starting, but ultimately "it is not meet that [anyone] should command in all things; for he that is compelled in all things, the same is a slothful and not a wise servant" (Doctrine & Covenants 58:26).
As a child, I remember learning that certain movie ratings were unacceptable. When I was in college, new guidelines were issued by the church with a different guideline: rather than draw a line for us, they asked us to use our own wisdom and perceptions about things (For the Strength of Youth). I believe this is the higher law.
Checklists and many specific rules can be helpful in the beginning, but ultimately they will restrain a person from developing to their full potential. As children, we are taught to fold our hands, bow our heads, and close our eyes when we pray. As we age, hopefully we learn to commune with God, regardless of our physical position, and we realize that prayers do not have to be verbalized to be real.
I have sometimes heard people talk about "Iron Rod Mormons" and "Liahona Mormons," meaning those who are strict rule-adherents as opposed to those who take things as general guidelines; the letter of the law folks and the spirit of the law folks; 'checklisters' or 'intuition-followers.' One group may refer to the other as 'stodgy,' while the others may refer back to them as 'lax.' I think that neither is true.
They are simply stages in the development of discipleship.
I was very much an Iron Rodder in my younger years, and I'm not any more. I've become a Liahona Mormon.The one naturally precedes the other. We all develop and change in our own ways and on our own timetables, so the differences in our faith styles should not be a reason for anyone to look down their noses at anyone else. But I would be lying if I didn't say that, based on scriptural examples as well as the study of human development, I believe that the liahona method is a later stage of development.
I realize that while holding to the security of that rod of iron, it can be intimidating to let go of it in order to trust tiny spindles on a little set out knowing only a general direction, but without a marked path. It is overwhelming, truly. However, I have come to the conclusion that letting go of the rod to follow the ball is NOT a form of getting lost, but rather a natural and totally appropriate form of development.
I don't think there is necessarily something wrong with staying with the Rod if it is working for you...but it must be acknowledged that it is a childlike form of discipleship. Yes, Christ called us to be like a little child...but then He also called us to be like Him. And Christ was no checklister. He broke the letter of the law left and right while teaching the spirit of the law. Jesus lived a Liahona life, and I'm trying to do the same.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Let's get real, please.
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Goddess? Or fertility charm? Does it matter? |
This article was recently posted on Witchvox, a site that publishes the voices of Pagans everywhere. I am dancing a little dance of anthropology major joy because this information REALLY needs to be spread through the Pagan community. The basic gist of it is this: No, we did not start out as a matriarchal society full of peace and love and goddessy things, and NO the world was not conquered by Indo-Europeans who abolished the Mother in favor of a brutal Sky God. Mother HAS been shoved in a corner by many cultures, but the reasons are varied and complex.
That does not mean that the religions we practice today are not completely valid. The eight sabbats, for instance, while each comes from some kind of ancient roots, were never all celebrated by the same culture at the same time. Wicca was created just last century. Age does not make a religion valid. What makes it valid is the magic it brings into the life of its follower, the good it creates in the world, the transformation it can bring about to end the suffering of an individual. Please read this article from Witchvox too.
So please, let go of your need for ancient lineages and just accept your magic and wholeness based on its own merits. There are so many things from our history we do NOT want to repeat.
Your religion is only less than ancient if you consider time linear, anyway. The organic curves, circles, and cycles of Nature and Life should be teaching us that linear time is only an illusion. But that's a whole other post. So love your religion, embrace your fierce divinity, and let the past stay in the past. And PLEASE stop spreading the myth of the goddess culture as if it's been proven by found evidence because it's only hurting us and making many of us seem foolish to those who might otherwise be open to the healing love we could be sharing.
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