Saturday, August 6, 2011

Half Moon meditation

I am still in this tiny little town in Colorado, where the stars are quite visible at night when the clouds from the mountain are scarce.  I needed some healing and peaceful energy tonight, so I went out to look at the moon and stars.  It was fairly quiet, besides the dogs barking in the distance, so I was able to focus.  I didn't know what I was going to do, nor did I have any ritual in mind.
My thoughts were drawn to some things that Shiva Rea says during a lunar meditation on her yoga DVD that I absolutely adore.  She mentions the healing light of the moon and stars, and opening yourself to receive it as it pours down your spine.  So I stood facing the moon and closed my eyes, imagining the power and energy of the moon that draws the ocean tides and affects the blood running in my veins soaking into the palms of my hands as I held them out face up.  I stood like that for awhile, becoming more aware of my surroundings, and I started to chant in my head things like "I am the tree.  I am the ancient rocks beneath my feet.  I am the blade of grass.  I am the barking dog.  I am everything."  I contemplated the concept that I first read about in books by Orson Scott Card of the interconnectedness of everything--actual energy connections and webs that connect every species.
I actually felt my hands tingle, and I felt the connection I had to the spirit that every piece of matter houses.  My hands and arms seemed to lift themselves into a circular shape, as if I was carrying the moon, or maybe a manifestation of the Mother aspect of the triple Goddess--acknowledging my responsibility as a daughter of Eve to mother all things living.
I finished by turning my hands over and sweeping them in two arcs down and away from my body and exhaling a goodbye.  As I walked back to the house, I placed my hand over my heart and imagined a spark of moonlight glowing inside of it, keeping the peace I had found.

And so went my very first, very own, personal ritual of the moon.

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