Sunday, June 19, 2011

I've been unpacking and cleaning for a couple weeks now.  The weather outside is gloriously hot and sunny, without a trace of the fog that overshadowed everything in the Land of Mists.  I wish I had the mental acuity to write more, but I've also been hit with head/chest cold that I sadly passed on to my little Sprout.  I've returned to some traditional habits that I grew up with in order to keep time so my spirit doesn't wither away, but I plan to return to the questions that pull me apart.  Just for the fun of it.
Meanwhile, I have come to the conclusion (thanks, Jenni) that trying to drink from a fire hose is impractical and inefficient.  Baby steps have never been my forte, but I'm going to work on it.

My final observation of the week: new carpet is the worst smell EVER.

1 comment:

  1. ugh, I hate new carpet. The chemicals airing off are toxic too I think. Gotta open some windows and run fans and stuff. Blech.
    I hope it goes away soon.
