Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Quote of the Day

screenshot from The Stepford Wives

"For three-fourths of my life I felt threatened to the core because I hated to sew. Now, I can sew; if it is absolutely necessary, I will sew—but I hate it. Can you imagine my burden over the last twenty-five or thirty years, “faking it” in Relief Society sessions and trying to smile when six little girls walk into church all pinafored and laced and ribboned and petticoated—in identical, hand-sewn dresses, all trooping ahead of their mother, who has a similar outfit? I don’t necessarily consider my attitude virtuous, lovely, of good report or praiseworthy, but I’m honest in my antipathy toward sewing. Obviously the Lord has created us with different personalities, as well as differing degrees of energy, interest, health, talent, and opportunity. So long as we are committed to righteousness and living a life of faithful devotion, we should celebrate these divine differences, knowing they are a gift from God. We must not feel so frightened, so threatened and insecure; we must not need to find exact replicas of ourselves in order to feel validated as women of worth. There are many things over which we can be divided, but one thing is needful for our unity—the empathy and compassion of the living Son of God."
--Sister Patricia Holland

I love this.  For years I've told myself how much I want the life that Mormon culture threw at me as ideal: birth 3 million children, make all their clothes, cook everything from scratch, budget on a shoestring, be a compassionate angel neighbor and community missionary.

Yeah.  Not so much.  But it's ok. :)

1 comment:

  1. i just got a warm fuzzy place in my heart for Sister Holland. I am totally stealing this and putting it on Facebook.
