Tuesday, July 5, 2011

When it's something you can't actually fix...

Finding serenity to deal with something huge that I have absolutely zero control over is starting to feel like getting my liver eaten out every day by a giant bird.  It's nothing that anyone can see, nothing that anyone can help with. The only thing I can do is try to find the serenity, the calm, the objectivity, the empathy to stop living it and start to let it go.
Here's what I actually want to say:
IT'S NOT FAIR!!! I HATE IT!  How the HELL am I supposed to just LET THIS GO?? When there's no end in sight, all I want to do is break things, scream, cry, and hide in a corner until it stops.  This is NOT what I signed up for, and I want to quit.  Time to start over.  I'm signing up for a different life now.  Goodbye stupid old life that is pissing me off and making me depressed.

Oh well.

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